Weight Loss Recipe Cucumber Lime Mint Agua Fresca

Weight Loss Recipe Cucumber Lime Mint Agua Fresca

Weight Loss Recipe Cucumber Lime Mint Agua Fresca


  • 1 lb of cucumbers (about 2 good sized cucumbers), ends trimmed, but peel still on, coarsely chopped

  • 1/2 cup lime juice from fresh limes (from about 1 pound of limes, or 5 to 10 limes, depending on how juicy they are)

  • 1 1/4 cup packed (spearmint) mint leaves (about a large handful), woody stems removed

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • Approximately 1 1/4 cup of water


  1. Put ingredients in blender, add enough water to fill 3/4 of blender. Hold the lid on the blender and purée until smooth. Place a fine mesh sieve over a bowl and pour the purée through it, pressing against the sieve with a rubber spatula or the back of a spoon to extract as much liquid out as possible.

  2. Fill a large pitcher halfway with ice cubes. Add the juice. Serve with sprigs of mint and slices of lime.

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