Weight Loss Recipe Low-fat strawberry semifreddo

Weight Loss Recipe Low-fat strawberry semifreddo


  • 400g strawberries, hulled
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 500g low-fat cream cheese
  • 300ml low-fat vanilla custard
  • 300ml thickened light cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Low-fat natural yoghurt, to serve


  1. Place 250g of the strawberries and 50g caster sugar in a food processor and process until a puree. Set aside.
  2. Clean processor. Place cheese, custard, cream and vanilla in the processor. Process until smooth. Pour into a 25 x 10cm loaf pan. Drizzle with sauce and use a skewer to swirl it through. Freeze for at least 2 hours to chill. Transfer to fridge 30 minutes before serving.
  3. Slice and serve with yoghurt and remaining strawberries.

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